Field of study in Wageningen: Food Technology
Study period exchange: 01/03/2023 – 30/06/2023
Country (exchange): Austria
City (exchange): Vienna
University (exchange): Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien)
Faculty (exchange): Different faculties
2. Motivation for exchange
Why did you choose to go on study exchange?
Wanted to see how it is to study and live for a few months in a large city abroad.
What is the reason you chose for this country/university?
Have been to Vienna in the past with my family and loved the atmosphere there. Saw it as a great opportunity to live there for a few months.
3. Accessibility to reach destination
Do you have any tips to reach your exchange destination?
I went by car and was quite a long trip, around 11/12 hours. There is also a train that goes during the day or by night which is also a good option.
4. University and studying
Could you provide some general information about the followed courses?
How is the study formalized?
Workload was sometimes too high in some courses but overall was good. The academic level was quite high and often comparable with that of the WUR. Lesson material was what I was used to with lectures and group work.
What is the culture of the university?
The culture of the university was nice. Good atmosphere in the different buildings. The lectures were quite similar to those of the WUR with the set-up etc. My courses didn’t require much group work so I did not really have much contact with locals, but I know some friends did that had more group work courses.
What does the university offer the student additionally?
There is a mensa where you can eat with friends. There are sport activities organised by the university. Laundry facilities I do not know because I had those at home.
5. Housing-travelling-living
What are the possibilities for housing?
I used the WG-gesucht app for finding a room. Here you reply to messages and you can call with the people who live there and see if there is a good connection and then they can choose you or not. There was also an option called ‘HousingAnywhere’ which is a site where you can book a room for a certain amount of time which is also a good option.
What is the culture of the country like?
The culture is quite similar to the Netherlands I must say. Felt really at home there.
Could you give a general price indication of the place of residence compared to living in Wageningen?
The prices in Vienna are quite high but overall quite similar to those in the Netherlands.
Could you give some information about public transport infrastructure?
As a student in Vienna you can get a public transport card for entire Vienna for 75 euros for a semester. Mostly the public transport like the trams and U-bahns are used to travel to uni.
6. Free time
What are must-sees in the area?
The first district is very beautiful and must see. Also the 7th district is a very hip student area.

What does not appear in the travel guide, but is worth a visit?
I don’t know. The guides give quite a good idea of what is worth visiting.
Do you have general tips and tricks about leisure time?
Walking around in the city is on its own really nice to do. There is so much to see. Also a lot of clubs are around so enough to do. The techno scene is quite big as well.
7. Challenges & best moment abroad
What was a challenge you have experienced?
Starting on your own in the beginning can be quite difficult because you do not know anyone. However, this is the case for everyone, so everyone is really open to meet.
What was your best memory abroad?
The people I connected with was really nice. I spent so many nice moments with those people.