Tess in Brno

Field of study in Wageningen: International Development Studies
Study period exchange: 11/09/2023 – 22/01/2024
Country (exchange): Czech Republic
City (exchange): Brno
University (exchange): Mendel University
Faculty (exchange): Regional Development

2. Motivation for exchange

Why did you choose to go on study exchange?

I chose to go on a study exchange because the WUR offered a lot of good opportunities and they stimulated us to go. I seemed like a good experience to have to learn more about the international academic world and about myself.

What is the reason you chose for this country/university?

I chose this university because they specialized in forestry and agriculture, which is something I’m interested in. A big role for me was that their website was very clear and the contact was very easy. This gave me some trust in the idea that while I would be there things would not be very chaotic, but well taken care of.

3. University and studying

Could you provide some general information about the followed courses?

  What is it like to study there?

The university is quite involved with their interventional students and there are always open office hours to ask some question that you might have.

What is the culture of the university?

The culture is quite chill and low maintenance.

How approachable are the lecturers, engagement with local students? What are the differences with the WUR?

This really depends on the course, but most lectures were very approachable and the classes were quite small so there could be a lot of engagement with the teachers. There was almost no interaction with the local students since most of them did not take English courses. The differences with the WUR was very noticeable in quality of lectures, organization wise they were more chaotic and their grading systems were quite subjective.

What does the university offer the student additionally?

The university had mensa for around 4 euros which was nice when you were on campus. There were also a lot of sport classes you could join, but you had to do that in the beginning of the Erasmus otherwise there were no spots. Laundry facilities were at the dorms and quite nice.

5. Housing-travelling-living

What are the possibilities for housing?

The main housing are the dormitories. They have some private rooms but most of them are 2 person or 3 person rooms. Try to avoid block c and d.

What is the culture of the country like?

The food is not that good, but the city has a lot of international places where you can get your food. The people are not very welcoming once you don’t speak any Czech. Luckily it’s something you can ignore quite a bit since you will be mainly with Erasmus people.

Could you give some information about public transport infrastructure?

The public transport is quite good. The first day of university they will help you get your Brno-ID, which will be kind of your ov-chip card for the city. The main transportation is the tram and busses. The only thing that is quite a negative point is that after 11, only night busses are going and they only go every hour. You can always get a taxi.

6. Expenses

Can you give an indication of your expenses for/during your exchange?

Ticket there: around 200 euros
Visa if applicable: –
Vaccinations if applicable: –
Insurances (extra, if applicable): –
Housing costs per month & type of housing/accommodation: 190 per month Groceries: 300 euros per month
Public transport: 32 euros for 3 months
Restaurant/going out for dinner: 50 euros per month
Daytrips/sight-seeing: 150 euros per month

7. Free time

What are must-sees in the area? 

You have to visit Spielberg castle and walk around the park there. Also the music lab on Mondays is a lovely place to enjoy some music from music students with a drink. For your coffees go to the PF café, or the cat café. In summer, the lake is a very nice place to have a little cooling down dive. Also having a drink at the panda circus is a must!

What does not appear in the travel guide, but is worth a visit?

The watch tower. It is a tower on the edge of town where you can have a view of all of Brno, the highlands, Moravian karst etc. It is a very beautiful view. Also the botanical gardens at university are really pretty.

7. Challenges & best moment abroad

Did you experience any challenges? 

Challenges were mainly dealing with Czech people who don’t want to talk any English with you. Also the dormitories are something you have to get used to but try and avoid staying in your room and meet up with your friends to avoid feeling a bit stuck in your room. Going out for coffees by yourself help with finding some alone time.

What was your best memory abroad?

Celebrating my birthday at the panda circus was a really nice memory.

8. Contact Details

Would you like to ask Tess more questions about her exchange?
Send her a mail: vanderwaltess@gmail.com