Yustin in Istanbul

Field of study in Wageningen: Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning
Study period exchange: 01/10/2022 – 16/01/2023
Country (exchange): Turkey
City (exchange): Istanbul
University (exchange): Istanbul Technical University
Faculty (exchange): Landscape Architecture

2. Motivation for exchange

Why did you choose to go on study exchange?

I wanted to go on exchange because I wanted to develop myself by living and studying in a strange environment; a different country. I wanted to experience a different culture and meet new people from different nationalities. I also wanted to experience studying at another university in a different country.

What is the reason you chose for this country/university?

I travelled to Turkey, because I wanted to experience a country that is not comparable to any western country. Furthermore, Turkey is the gateway to the (Middle) East and this area is where my fascination lies.

3. Accessibility to reach destination

Do you have any tips to reach your exchange destination?

I would advise travelling by plane, because of the huge distance. However, if you are up for a challenge I travelled back to the Netherlands by train and, although it takes a bit more preparation, it is doable and it provides a beautiful adventure.

4. University and studying

Could you provide some general information about the followed courses?

How is the study formalized?

There are 2 semesters and you follow all the courses you choose at the same time. Study load is harder than expected, but if you keep up its doable. Sometimes the university felt like a prestigious high school, which I saw as an interesting experience.

What is the culture of the university?

The teachers ought to be respected. They are in a sense more professional in a conservative way, however they are really helpful and approachable.

What does the university offer the student additionally?

Many student clubs. I for instance did capoeira and cave exploring. There is lunch provided at university and it is really good for how much it costs. There is no housing service, so you have to find one yourself. There are several libraries and they have university cats at Taskisla.

5. Housing-travelling-living

What are the possibilities for housing?

You have to find a room yourself. The university does not offer one.

What is the culture of the country like?

Food: Divine!! Much meat, although very healthy. Not processed and everything is fresh Habits: Turkish people are very hospitable and kind. They are easily approachable and are not afraid to approach you. Be prepared for much tea and invitations. Istanbul compared to the Netherlands is quit busy in terms of amount of people, so go there with the right mindset.

Could you give a general price indication of the place of residence compared to living in Wageningen?

Price range: €150-400. I paid €300 for a room and facilities in the city center. Be prepared that the Turkish will charge foreign students more than the local students. You just have to accept that.

Could you give some information about public transport infrastructure?

For European people the public transport costs almost nothing. There are bus, metro, boat, taxi services so you can move around 24/7.

6. Free time

What are must-sees in the area? 

Explore the whole city and inform yourself by the locals. Of course see the tourist attractions, but the city has so much more to offer in terms of food, history, museums, music and city landscape. Also go inland! The country is beautiful.

What does not appear in the travel guide, but is worth a visit?

Turkish music is great! Go to the many musical events the city has to offer. Take a walk through the less touristic neighborhoods and sit down in a random tea shop or restaurant. You will see yourself what I mean.

Do you have general tips and tricks about leisure time?

Learn the language!!!!!

Do not be afraid to say NO. Many people will want something from you. Money, for you to dine in their restaurant etc. Not all people have the best for you in mind.

Stay open minded! A lot of people DO have the best in mind for you. And try a lot of different things.

Visit a Jazz bar or a secret rave.

Do not forget to barter, but learn to notice on when to do it. It is not always appropriate.


Oh and balik ekmek is a must have.

7. Challenges & best moment abroad

What was a challenge you have experienced?

Navigating a city of 20 million.

What was your best memory abroad?

My travels to the Southeastern part of the country. It contains such beauty( history, food, nature, culture, weather) and people have the best hospitality and expect nothing in return. PLUS exploring a forbidden cave with a group of 40 turkish students and camping in the forests (It was legal because it was a club with licence).

8. Contact Details

Would you like to ask Yustin more questions about his exchange? Send him a mail: yustin.oschmann@wur.nl